Boys Basketball Gears Up for Regionals

Lilian Jones, Journalist

This past year the East High School boys’ basketball teams have taken their games by storm, bringing a determination and thirst for victory that has been mostly unrivaled all season. With minimal losses for the varsity and sophomore teams and a positive record for junior varsity, the season has gone well. 

Camden Hassler, 9, was excited to note that the sophomore boys’ team had a victorious season with only two losses on their record and nineteen wins to be proud of. 

“The group I’m with is really talented and we have a lot to be excited for next year,” Hassler said. 

While the sophomore team’s season has ended, they won their last match against Central, closing their season with an exciting win. Meanwhile, the junior varsity team’s season has not finished just yet. 

“Last Friday we lost, but we’re looking forward to regionals,” Nathan Mirich, 10, commented for the junior varsity team. 

While junior varsity has not had the string of victories they had hoped for, they have successfully won half of their games for the season and are trudging ahead. Their hopeful outlook for regionals and single-minded determination speaks well for their chances. 

“I’m not thinking about next year,” Mirich said, “I’m just focusing on what’s ahead of me.” 

The varsity boys’ team has had a long season with an injury from Aleczander Hardy, 12, and an amazing record of only four losses and eighteen wins. 

“In the beginning I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to play because of my injury,” admitted Hardy, “but my surgery went well and I’m looking forward to finishing the season out. Right now, we’re getting ready for regionals and hoping to play for state.” 

The basketball teams are still working to prepare for regionals and put their previous losses behind them. Cheer on East High School’s varsity and junior varsity teams as they aim for the top!