Book Club Tries Something New

Savannah Whittecar, Contributor

Book club is trying something new this year as they move into their seasonal read.  

“Traditionally we voted on a title to read together,” says Jennifer Marcus, the librarian and book club advisor, “We mostly have fantasy readers, so it almost always ended up being a fantasy title. That didn’t seem fair to the club members that are not huge fantasy fans. This time we decided not fantasy as a genre but let’s decide on a genre. Then everyone can read a different title or multiple kids could read 3 or 4 copies of the same title. We took a vote and mystery won. I came up with a list of mystery titles to choose from and a couple kids suggested different mystery titles too.” 

Book Club members have chosen and received their new books, and they are excited to talk about them at their upcoming meeting. “We are going to talk about the genre and how our books fit the genre. Then they can advertise their title so hopefully kids will read more mystery.” said Marcus 

Members chose from a range of titles and have several different opinions on their books. 

“I’m reading The Inheritance Games. It’s about a girl that lives with her sister. A guy died and she inherits a bunch of money and property. She doesn’t know why but he left a bunch of clues, and she tries to find out why she was given all this money,” says Kaitlynn Thompkins, 12. 

 The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes is one of the more popular books this year, and it’s clear why with an interesting plot. 

 Thompkins seems to have very high opinions of it so far. “I definitely would recommend it. 10/10.” 

 “I’m reading I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga. It’s about a guy named Jazz whose dad was a serial killer, and he has to prove that he’s not like his dad by solving the murder of a woman in town,” says Kanilehua Miller, 12. 

 Miller is the only member who chose to read this title in the club, however, she is enjoying it a lot. “I like it a lot so far. The characters are interesting, and I can’t wait to figure out who the murderer is. 10/10.” 

There is a wide variety of different picks, when Book Club members were able to choose a title that appealed to them more, while still exploring a new genre.