State Art

Autumn McPherson, Reporter

Throughout April Students within Wyoming have been submitting art pieces for potential scholarships and chances to win ribbons. East artists started by submitting their pieces in a local county art show for the chance to win a variation of scholarships and/ or ribbons. At the county show there were three possible ribbons to receive, a VIP (beginner artists choice), a Laramie county ribbon ( professional artists choice), Or a generic ribbon ( teachers choice). If a student won a Laramie County ribbon their piece makes it to state. Students at East had the opportunity to go to state by bus if they signed up within the art rooms, one of those students being junior Delaney Wilson.

“I was really surprised when I made it to state because I didn’t think I was going to be able to go,” said Wilson, “so I was generally happy and surprised at the news. When I was there, I was super nervous but also super excited, it was really fun.”

But how does one create a piece that can be qualified for state? “I used acrylic on both of my pieces, on the cat skull I wanted to focus on the lighting and how it would affect color, and in my second painting I really wanted to convey emotion without having emotion on the girls face, I used a lot of blue to make it seem like she was crying to achieve this.” “It was a lot of experimenting and mixing paint to get the right shades of colors and drawing outlines on the canvas before painting inside the lines” says Delaney.

If you or a friend are interested in any art form and would like some help with creativity or simple some friends to talk to while you create your masterpiece, consider joining Art Club. Art Club meets every Tuesday after school and goes until four.