Tennis Team Making History

Nedra McIlwaine, 12, (right) and Sydney O’Brien,12, (left) show off their state tennis metals.

Isabelle DeLong, Contributor

Our Cheyenne East girl’s tennis team won their first regional title in the history of East High, and with their hard work they earned Prep Athlete of the Week.

“It honestly was a surreal feeling since we never expected to be capable of winning, especially since we had a lot of new people join last year. It also felt like all of our hard work in the off season paid off,” says Nedra Mcllwaine, 12 (2 singles).

At regionals Nedra won her first two matches. The first match was 6-0, and 6-1 for her second, “ this is really good because I only dropped one game the whole day,” says McIlwaine. During the second day of regionals Nedra lost to Green River, overall, she finished second in the region.