Keeping up with that Covid-19 trend

In the world we live in we have made a drastic change in schools and other businesses because of a new virus. East High School has had to take several measures to keep students and teachers safe in the learning environment. Since the start of the school year, students have had to wear a mask in the building as well as get their temperatures taken every time we enter the building. In first period kids must scan a QR code and take a survey about potential symptoms they might have, and they get reminded everyday they go into class that they must take this test. Students also have to get sprayed with hand sanitizer after their temperature is taken and whenever they enter a classroom. On top of that, after classes, teachers must wipe down all the desks and keyboards with the H2Orange.

Another part of our school year that was change is how the lunches are. The lunches are now in the gym and the cafeteria, but students are not allowed to eat in classrooms anymore. Students also do not have the option to use a microwave if they bring their own lunch from home. One of the biggest changes that the students at East High School had to go through is changing to a 4 by 4 schedule and going to the same classes all first semester and then going to a whole new schedule next semester rather than their normal A day B day schedule. East High Student, Jordan Kinney, had some thought pertaining to the new school procedures. “The new procedures are different and hard to get use to” said Jordan, “but it seems like the students are cooperating better than I thought they would. I feel like school will stay in longer if we all follow the new rules, but I definitely don’t like wearing a mask all day.” It has not been easy for the East High students to get use to the new changes; however, they are staying safe by keeping up with that COVID-19 trend.