All Northwest Auditions

Elizabeth Carey

A lot of people have a strong passion for something and most of those passions stem from our home lives. Morgan O’Neill, a senior here at East, is getting ready to audition for All Northwest Choir. Morgan’s immense passion for music stems from her home life. Her dad hosted for a radio show and her mom would always play music when she was younger.
All Northwest is an intense honors choir for all the North Western states. It lasts for 6 or 7 days and is a sort of training for the students selected who work around a renowned conductor. Morgan as well as other students are all practicing for the auditions coming up. When Morgan prepares for her auditions she said, “I like to be over-prepared.” She prepares by studying the song she’s going to audition with and familiarizes herself with notes in the song and the order they’re in.
Morgan has performed with All Northwest Choir 2 years prior to this one and said, “It’s an amazing experience… and I’ve travelled a lot!” The last All Northwest choir was in Portland, Oregon which Morgan attended, and she’s been to Hawaii for other choirs. Some advice she has for newcomers is “…if anyone wants to do it I think they should, even if they think they can’t do it.”