We all Dye and Hair Grows Back

Jenna Larsen-Hunter with their recently dyed pink hair.

Avalon Skinner, Online Editor

Crimson red, bubblegum pink, and sky blue. Hippies in the 60s grew their hair down their back, and the rebels now dye their hair. So what is the issue with coloring your hair all kinds of neon?

Crazy colored hair is widely accepted now more than ever before. However, there is a stigma that is often negative surrounding dyed hair, especially in work places or while in the company of more conservative individuals.

Nevertheless, Jenna Larsen-Hunter embraces that, so their hair is bright pink at the moment.

“Dyed hair is usually associated with people who are into rock music or rebellion,” Jenna explains. “A lot of people associate us with delinquents or super far-left people.”

However, such actions can also be seen as a form of expression or individuality, agrees senior Elsha Seiloff.

“You are able to express yourself in a way besides just what you wear,” Elsha explains. “It’s changing an aspect about yourself that you were born with, rather than something you buy.”

This 50-year long fad has had large effects on our culture and society, but since it is still not fully approved of, some people have a hard time deciding between a natural caramel or electric violet.

Senior Denzel Clifton is aware of the stigma of immaturity associated with his pink hair.

“When I go to college next year, I am definitely going to cut it off but for now it’s pretty dope,” he explains.

Shouldn’t this style be easily seen as acceptable, even if it isn’t easy on the eyes?

“Just because someone dyes their hair, it doesn’t affect their ability to do certain jobs,” Jenna says. “It doesn’t make them the devil or something. It’s becoming part of the norm because it is something that is happening a lot more.”

Elsha thinks it is possible to minimize the negative stigma that comes with dyed hair.

“The best way is to just normalize it as much as possible,” they explain. “Go out and dye your hair, have fun, because bottom line is you only live once. Because of that, you should go out there and do what you want with your body, and that includes dyeing your hair.”

Denzel doesn’t care what others think when he switches his look up and agrees that the perception of dyed hair can be changed if people stop normalizing the normal and accept a wide array of styles.

“[We need] more difference in people.”

If it is just as simple as these students make it out to be, people can expect a rainbow of heads at every youth gathering. Next thing you know, your least favorite teacher could be sporting a head of bubblegum pink.