It’s a New Year. Is it a New You?

It's a New Year. Is it a New You?

Steph Sommer, Senior Editor

Every January 1, people across the world set out to achieve something great in the upcoming year. Many promise to stay healthy or do better in school.
While most of Thunderbird Nation is pretty close to perfect, the Thunderbolt staff wants to know what goals East High students have for 2018.

Adrynah Vitley, sophomore- “To get all B’s and A’s during second semester.”

Mika Reyes, sophomore- “Try new things, like new art ideas and get out there more.”

Jay Schoepflin, senior- “I want to graduate and move into my own house.”

Brooke Nesvik, junior- “My goal is to eat less junk food.”

Paige Lackey, freshman- “My new year’s resolution is to eat more vegetables and be happier.”

Dan Morris, teacher- “To stay on top of my grading would be great!”

Being a better person is the top New Year’s resolution, according to a new poll from Marist College in New York.
Their findings showed that about 12 percent of those surveyed want to become a better person in 2018. The same amount reported wanting to lose weight in the new year. Only 7 percent of those surveyed want to improve their overall health, and 9 percent would like to eat healthier, exercise more or get a better job.
The keys to a healthier and happier 2018 are staying focused on your goals and not getting discouraged.