You Can Count-cil on Us!

East High student council poses at the end of WASC in November, held at Central High.

Avalon Skinner, News Editor

A small group of students here at East add to the spirit and learn a sense of leadership by helping organize and execute several events, but they tend to go unrecognized.

Every year, the East High’s student council starts off the school year with a bang by organizing all aspects of homecoming, including Spirit Days, ordering the Royalty’s crowns and sashes, and judging dress up days. This year, they also decided to take on the task of switching up the way the pep assemblies work, starting with the homecoming pep assembly.

Changing our pep rallies involved proposing the new layout to Mr. Schlabs, finding an announcer to give a new sense of variation to the rallies, adding a riff-off and removing certain aspects such as student council introducing themselves and all the sports being recognized separately.

In November, some of the students in the council attended WASC (Wyoming Association of Student Councils) which was held at Central this year. At this two-day event, councils from all over the state got a chance to meet and bond with each other and to collaborate with everyone there, since they all have the same goal- making their school great. Gabby Dodgson was elected Region Representative

Student council also adopted a family with twelve kids for East Cares this year, which involved going shopping for an entire afternoon and wrapping all of the gifts.

This coming semester, the council will team up with other high schools to raise as much money as possible for the Wyoming Make-A-Wish foundation, the organization that all of the Wyoming student councils fundraise for every year.

Towards the end of the year, some of the students involved in the council will help with prom and graduation. There will also be an election (which all students should be encouraged to participate in!!) to determine the officers of next year’s student body.

Student council’s goal is to appeal to everyone, offer a different way of giving service to the community, and give students a chance to meet and connect with others that they would otherwise not have the chance to. If this sounds fun to you, join student council on Tuesdays after school in room 713 to get involved in East High!