Here Comes the Thunder

Steph Sommer

“Thunder God” Darien Suter leads the Thunderdome in the East Thunder Chant before the rally.

Steph Sommer, Features Editor

Within the past few years, East has adopted the slogan ‘Tradition Starts Here.’ Now, East is finally living up to that statement by beginning their very own tradition: ‘The Thunderchant’ led by East’s very own Thunder God.

The Thunder God, bass drum player from the marching band, begins every football game, pep rally, and- in the future- basketball game, by standing in the center of the stadium or field with his drum mallet raised in the air, waiting for absolute silence. Then he slowly begins beating his bass drum and students follow suit by clapping along until a thunder storm erupts.

Many students and even teachers seem to really enjoy and get into the new chant.

“Adding music definitely makes everything better,” jokes counselor, Mrs. Wolfe. “I think it’s a great idea. It definitely brings the school together!”

The goal of ‘The Thunderchant’ is to ‘scare off’ opponents and present the Thunderbirds as an intimidating and strong force.

“It is supposed to intimidate them,” says junior Vance Nagy. “I think in the future, as we pick it up, it will definitely do its job.”

“It shows a unity in the student section and gets everybody hyped up,” senior Braden Morris comments on why he loves the chant. “And then, when I play football I feel confident and pumped up too.”

Rest assured, ‘The Thunderchant’ is here to stay for the future generations of EHS students.