Phipps Not Phelps

Student Spotlight on Briley Phipps

Steph Sommer

Briley Phipps preparing for her next dive at the South invite on September 10th.

Steph Sommer, Features Editor

Between school, homework, having a job, and spending time with loved ones how could anybody have time for anything else? EHS Junior Briley Phipps has found the time for all of this, plus some extra time to be one of the top divers at East High.

Briley’s school year begins in mid-August, with weight lifting, running, and even a little pool time. Now that school has begun, some days start at 6am with morning practice and tend to not end until after a 6pm practice. After her 12 hour day at school, Briley then has to head home and begin homework.

“It’s really difficult. I get approximately 4-5 hours of sleep a night,” said Briley. “I get home, eat and do homework until at least midnight. Then I get up again at like 5.”

Briley also enjoys taking welding classes at East. She challenges herself in AP classes, where she keeps her grades up through late night study sessions. Briley is an avid participant in the Skills USA club, where she puts together welding projects as well.

“Briley is one of the most determined students that I have ever had the pleasure of teaching. She holds herself to high standards…” said Mr. Matt Nolan, EHS welding teacher.

She still has a little time to spend with her many friends and family, on Sundays and during lunches usually. She enjoys “eating and hanging out with people she never gets to see”.

Even though she is constantly occupied, Briley wouldn’t change anything about her life.

“I know if I didn’t (do so many things), I would just constantly eat food in my bed. And that’s not a good thing,” she jokes.

You can catch Briley diving at her next meet in the East High Pool on Friday, September 30th.