2015 Prom Invites T-Birds to Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Seniors Madison Paintner and Levi Romsa are presented to the crowd as the 2015 EHS Prom King and Queen.
May 8, 2015
Teenagers prepare for weeks, months, or even the whole year, for one of the biggest events in their short high school career. Nothing can make a teenager shake with excitement quite like Prom. Nerves. Fear. Excitement! For the girls, pampering and beauty are so important. For boys, making sure they can take care of the expenses is high on their list.
While everyone is tempted to go with that unique look, most party-goers just want to look their best for the night. Purchasing the perfect dress or getting the perfect tux is essential to a successful night.
Whether you’re graduating this year and a senior headed on to bigger things or an underclassman eyeing the future, the night is one of the highlights of the year. East’s 2015 prom was no exception.
This year’s theme was “The Wizard of Oz,” and EHS students and guests were invited to follow the yellow, brick road into an evening of fun and romance.
East’s history teacher Mr. Berg, dressed as Oz’s Scarecrow, greeted attendees at the grand entrance to Little America. Mr. Seivley joined him, dressed as the Tin Man.
Inside the ballroom were cutouts of the characters from the movie, decorated by NHS and the Student Council. Candy hearts decorated the room representing the Tin Man’s search for a heart. Of course, a photo booth was set up so friends could capture that once-in-a-lifetime moment.
Seniors Levi Romsa and Madison Paintner were crowned Prom King and Queen. Romsa and Paintner attended the dance as a couple, so they were thrilled to be named Prom King and Queen.
“When they announced that Levi won, I was so excited for him! When they announced I won with him, it felt like I was in a chick flick! Every girl always dreams of winning prom queen with their boyfriend”, said Paintner.