In the Battle of the Cookies, the Thin Mints Take the Lead


Molly Gjervold, Assistant Photo Editor

Everyone loves Girl Scout cookies, and cookie season is everyone’s favorite time of year next to, maybe, football season. From the sweetest, silkiest, most mouth-watering cookies to the healthiest, plainest, most nutrient-filled cookies, everyone has a favorite. If you had to pick one, just one, which would be yours?

The Thin Mints® take the lead as the favorite, no one can say no to a fistful of sweetness. Everyone has a favorite. Those little chocolate and mint-coated wafers steal the hearts and pleasure the taste buds of Girl Scout Cookie enthusiasts everywhere. With its sweet and smooth chocolatey flavor and a refreshing soft minty taste, most would be surprised to find that this cookie is a vegan choice. But let’s be honest, no one really pays attention to the nutrition facts and or eats cookies to feel healthy.

Our wonderful habit of just eating a certain cookie just for the love of it tells us why the Thin Mints® and the Caramel deLites® / Samoas® (two of the sweetest cookies) are the two favorites. While most of us will willingly eat two or three different types of cookies, most of us come right back to the Thin Mints®. In fact, on average there are about 56,000,000,000 (that’s billion) calories of Thin Mints® consumed each cookie season.

So now that we know the fan favorites are the Thin Mints® and the Caramel deLites® / Samoas®, which cookie gets the least lime-light? Ladies and gentleman, introducing the Shortbread/Trefoils®, carrying only about 9% of the 175 million total boxes sold. The Shortbread/Trefoils® is perfect for the traditional taste buds or someone just looking for a nice simple but delicious flavor. This cookie lacks the frosty coating or creamy filling or tasty sprinkles of the other choices. It’s simply a cookie. Plain and simple. However, simple and delicious doesn’t pay the bills.

Even though there is literally a dozen other cookie choices, the Thin Mints® are the cookie fanatics’ favorite everywhere. Statistically speaking, people want to buy the sweetest and richest cookie over the traditional more subtlety sweet cookies. However, each cookie is different, just like its consumer.